Melissa knew that Rich was going to propose to her soon, but didn’t know when the moment would arrive. This might have had something to do with her seeing an email subject line in his inbox “Ring for Melissa”…. But she didn’t open it! Perhaps because of this, she was aware of his little clues that this was the day.
All day, Rich was a bit fidgety and distracted. They weren’t doing anything special, just spending that day doing their favorite relaxing things. Running to the store to get cheese and wine; then stocking up on all the fixings to cook dinner at home together.
The weather was perfect, and Rich suggested they relax on the back porch with their wine and enjoy the evening before cooking dinner. By that time, she was like “he’s going to ask me at dinner!!” and was taking in the moments leading up to it. She went ahead and poured they’re drinks, and brought the glasses outside to Rich. She didn’t know that she had completely thrown a wrench in his plans!
They had picked up these cute wine glass charms on a trip to the wineries on Long Island, and occasionally would use them even when it was just the two of them. Luckily she didn’t think to get them out… For whatever reason, Rich was adamant that they needed the charms.
Rich took the glasses back in while Melissa relaxed outside. As much as Rich hates to hear it, one of her main memories of the night was watching their next door neighbor weed eat his backyard in his undershirt and shorts. She even joked to herself that “Rich couldn’t possibly ask her right now” with the noise and all. The sun was starting to set, and was directly in her eyes when Rich came back out with their wine.
The next moments were really a complete blur! Rich showed her one glass, and asked if she wanted that one, which happened to have the one charm on it that she really didn’t like (good thinking Rich!). “How about this one, rich asked” With the sun in her eyes, she couldn’t really make out what it was, but at some point, she figured it out! Rich had put a gorgeous engagement ring on the charm band and slid it on the stem of the wine glass!
Even though she knew he was going to ask her that day, he completely caught her by surprise, and she went blank. She didn’t hear a thing he was saying, completely missed the whole thing! By the time she took her eyes off the ring, Rich was already finished, and was waiting for her reply. She was so shocked and upset that she had missed it, but did realized that he hadn’t gone down on one knee. The only thing she could think of was, “She missed it! He has to do it again!!” Here was her lovely boyfriend, who she was sure was anxiously waiting for her to say yes, and what were her first words??? “Do it again!”
This time, Rich was less nervous, and did remember to go down on one knee. He told her the sweetest things she ever heard, slipped the ring on her finger and she started crying from happiness. Again, she forgot to answer his proposal, but he eventually reminded her. Of course, she said yes in between kisses.
Stay tuned for the wedding story…